
Each year, students are admitted in all classes from I to V during the month of June- July and also on Vijayadasami day (falls in the month of September or October). And keeping in view the poor social-economic background they come from children are also admitted anytime during the academic year. All students are admitted to the school as per the norms devised by State Government of Tamil Nadu for primary education.

The school adopts the ‘Samacheerkalvi’ syllabus and textbooks prescribed by the Department of Elementary Education, Government of Tamil Nadu from time to time. The current system of ‘TRIMESTER’ Syllabus is followed.
Hand Book and Calendar
Hand Book and Calendar
Student Handbook contains basic information like daily prayer to Holy Trio, school ethics, holidays list, leaves, teacher and parents remarks, etc.
Click on the below image to enlarge and read the Handbook online (click on the left and right arrows on the left and right side of the book to go to next or previous pages).
Students Handbook 2019 – 20
Extra-curricular activities
Extra-curricular activities
Apart from their regular routine studies, students participate in various competitions like chess, drawing, paintings, and science exhibitions conducted by state level, district level, zonal level services.

Science Expo

Inter-School Drawing


Annual Day
