Appeal To Support Free Primary School
Appeal To Support Free Primary School
We are happy to inform you that with the support from many devotees and well wishers of Ramakrishna Math, we are able to impart quality education to the deserving children of slum dwellers in and around Mint area. The purpose of starting this school by Swami Ramakrishnanandaji Maharaj is kept alive in the school’s vision “Man making and Nation Building education.” The school provided free education to the students and it is still continued and the vision gets implemented in letters. The facility in the school for children is at par with the Modern school with the element of Indian culture in the school content. We have Smart Class Room, Library, and Language Laboratory for easy learning, Math Activity based learning. We believe in nurturing the talents and training the children at the tender age.
Learning is not possible with hungry stomach and to make students learn effectively we have started providing Breakfast free of cost to all the students (280 no. at present) so that they are able to focus their attention towards studies. We had observed in the past that many students come to school without having their breakfast and the lunch box also is not very healthy with which they come to school. Seeing this, we started providing the healthy diet during the lunch time along with the noon meal scheme of the Tamil Nadu Govt. by adding some vegetables, etc and we are getting good results on the physical and intellectual growth of these children. Considering their underprivileged background we cannot expect from the parents to monitor the students’ health periodically and so we started the Monthly general health checkups, Periodically Dental camps and Eye camps for the students.
To achieve all this, the monetary support is required from our Devotees and well wishers. We are keeping following schemes for which a person or an organization donate either part of the scheme or the whole scheme for the year.
Total expenditure of the school per year is @ Rs. 22 Lakhs
Per student per year expenditure comes to @ Rs. 8,000/-
You can bear the education expenditure of one or more students and help us enroll many more deserving students in this free school.
Expenditure for Food in a day
i) Breakfast : 274 X Rs. 12 = 3288/- per year = @Rs. 7 Lakhs
ii) Value additions in a noon meal scheme : 274 X Rs. 5 = 1370/- per year = @Rs. 3 Lakhs
You can bear the food expenditure partly or fully and help us serve these underprivileged children in a deserving manner.
You can create the Educational Permanent Endowments or General Endowments in the name of your loved ones and the interest out of it will be spent on these deserving children’s education.
We kindly request you to participate in this Yajna of Education and be blessed.
How you can contribute?
You can contribute in any ways given below:
a) Sponsor the extra-curricular activities of the School. Please contact School Office or Secretary for more information.
b) Create general endowments.
c) General Donations.
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