
Computer Lab
Computer Lab
The school has a minimal computer lab with 10 computers. A dedicated teacher imparts basic operational training to the students. Educational media are regularly shown to students using computers and projector.

The school believes that physical strength reflects in mental strength encourages students to participate compulsorily in sports activities. The School campus has a spacious ground for the children and every week some periods are allotted for sports activities.

Language Lab
Language Lab
The children are taught with LSRW skills in the languages English and Tamil. Phonetic based teaching helps them to read independently. Hands-on training is given using many activities with flash cards, online quiz etc.

Library section offers an opportunity to develop reading habits in children . Good collection of story books, comics in English, Tamil etc are available to create interest in the children.

Smart Classes
Smart Classes
The smart classes help the students to visualize the concepts and learn their digital lessons in a fun way. Also, Educational videos are shown to the students periodically creating interest and improving focus.